So am I crazy to say that an annual girls trip is absolutely necessary and unbelievably refreshing and undeniably NEEDED for a Mom to go on???? I just got back from Park City with the girls, and Loved every minute of relaxation, junk food eating, shopping, giggling, hot tubbing, and sleeping in. I shouldn't feel guilty right? I missed my family. But not enough to not go.... I think a trip away is sooo good on the soul. For a mommy to remember that she is more than just a wife, and a mother who cooks, cleans, does homework, & worries. We are Women, Friends, Sisters, who need to feel that sense of nourishment that only comes from other women relationships! I hope I'm not the only one who feels this way, let me know your thoughts on girls trips!?!?!? I know I couldn't survive without them! Wish I had pictures to share!