Friday, March 27, 2009
So here’s a few thoughts and answers to some peoples questions about Bridger. We are supposed to journal about our good times and our hard times right? A few months ago my mother mentioned to me that Bridger was "different". Hmmmmm, Different. Nobody wants to hear that about their child, because every mommy's child is perfect. Besides the fact that my child didn't talk, didn't socialize, wouldn't let me talk directly to him, eye contact isn't regular with him, he didn't play with toys they were supposed to be played with, etc...... he was perfect, right? But a light bulb came on when she said that and we took him to a specialist up at the University and he somewhat diagnosed Bridger with a child with signs and characteristics of PDD (Pervasive Development Disorder) which is on the Autism Spectrum, but with a LESSER severity.. When he was one year old, he could say "Uh-Oh", and "Hi" and point and say "No". He would also point to my nose when I asked him where it was. He doesn't do that anymore. He is over 2 years old and doesn’t say any words, meaning he has degressed in the communication world. Anyways, to make a long story short, I'm grateful that my Mom dared say something to me to get this taken care of now, because I know that must have been very difficult for her to do. The earlier you catch it, the easier it us to pull them out of their “world”. He went through a series of evaluations with the 0-3 program and was easily accepted as he is obviously very behind on communication and behavior skills. We’ve started the classes and let me tell you, IT’S HARD. We are basically trying to re-train the way he wants to think and act and we (Bridger and I) are both going through a lot of tears and stress to get through it. Don’t take for granted how easy it is to play with your child because doing it this way takes a lot of time, effort and tantrums. The program says they see a lot of great results with their program so I am crossing my fingers. And I've said this before to people, but out of all the signs and characteristics of children with "autism", one is their inability to show love. And I am sooooooooooooooooooooo grateful that my sweet Bridger doesn't have that problem, he loves his mommy and daddy more than anyone on this earth. He cuddles and kisses us all the time. He is sooooo easy to Love although he is sooo hard to take out to public places. But I can deal with that as long as I get my loves from Bridger. We love you Bridger.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Activity Days...
A month or 2 ago I was called to Activity Days Leader to the 8 year old girls in our ward. At first I thought, OH NO, I don't have patience for wild little emotional girls for a whole hour, 2 times a month, and my first day, proved it! But we made some rules, the girls are doing soooo great, and we are having soooooo much fun! This is one of our activity's we did: PEDICURES!!!! The lesson was about Jesus washing the apostles feet, so we had our little lesson and then hopped right into our pedicures. Here is Cord joining us. He seriously loves to be right in the middle of the girls, doing what they are doing. He seriously is soooo cute and such an entertainer! He even painted his toenails with the girls after!
The massaging.......

Friday, March 13, 2009
Congrats to the bride and groom: My cousin Jared Buckley and his now wife Whitney. Isn't she just beautiful? They got married in the Salt Lake Temple on March 6 on a COLD winter day, but it was worth seeing the happy couple come out for pictures. But most of all it was worth being inside to listen to the sealing that took place that reminded me of all the convenants I made inside the Logan temple and how it made me feel.

Bug eyes and all, she's beautiful! (She's not always bug eyes so I can say that!! I just got a great shot!!)
Chris and I outside the Salt Lake Temple
And My mom and dad. Isn't this a sight? Doesn't my dad look handsome in a suit? At the Temple?!?!?!?

Bug eyes and all, she's beautiful! (She's not always bug eyes so I can say that!! I just got a great shot!!)

Chris and I outside the Salt Lake Temple

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Give Away...
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Okay, here is the scan I promised of the "boy part". I didn't tell you, but my first ultra sound they gave me at 12 weeks she told me she was 99% sure it was a boy, but I tell you what I was in complete DENIAL, and I held onto that 1% for a girl until my next appointment where she actually put a curser on the "kickstand" and wrote in the notes "It's a boy!!" So here it is people, this is what a little boy looks like in an ultrasound picture if your ever trying to look! The angle is as if he was going to sit on the camera, we are looking at his bum, 2 legs and yes, the middle part.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Island Park for the Boys...
Every Year over Valentines, our sweet husbands (the coats family) leave us for a 5 day weekend of fun! At first I was a little irked by this but Chris time and again has remined me how nice it is to go out for Valentines a few days early and not have to wait for 2 hours to get into dinner. So I've gotten over it and he goes and has a good time.
Here is Chris looking as adventurous as ever.
This is a picture of most of the guys hanging out at the Cabin.
OOOOPS! Chris was climbing a little to steep and couldn't quite cut where he needed to go so he tipped over onto a tree!
Here is Chris looking as adventurous as ever.
This is a picture of most of the guys hanging out at the Cabin.

Sunday, March 1, 2009
IT'S A.................
BOY!!! Yes, it is our 3 little boy on the way and let me tell you, I am sooooooooo....................thrilled. Can you tell how excited I am? No really, I had to set myself up that I was having another boy so I wouldn't be so disappointed, even though I was absolutley SURE that I was having a GIRL!!! Regardless of my secret little hope that it would be a girl, all I can say is I hope for a happy, healthy little boy! I am greatful just for the chance to love another little bundle of joy! I tried to scan in the ultrasound picture of the boy part, but now that my computer is working my scanner decided it's time for him to give me a hard time! So maybe next time!!!
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