Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Recipe of the Month

My Friend Amy posts a new recipe on her blog monthly and its fun to be able to look at other peoples blogs and get new recipes, so if you would like to take up this new tradition and swap recipes, GO FOR IT!!!! I'll always have mine posted at the top right hand corner somewhere.


lhhadley said...

I love this idea. I will have to try your cookies. Crap, I just saw that I was tagged...there are lots of these going around lately.

Kristy said...

I am so impressed by your hunting skills! Way to go on getting a deer.

Amy said...

Hey I talked to Candis and we are going to have a girls night with kids next Thurs. I was going to post something on my blog so invite anyone you can think of. We were thinking like 4:30... I hope that is a good time for you. We wanted to wait until all the kids were out of school so the older ones could go to....Let me know what you think